Cheekbone Beauty’s mission extends beyond making beauty an inclusive space for the Indigenous community.
The Cheekbone Beauty Scholarship Fund was set up in honor of Jenn’s grandmother, Emily Paul, who was a Canadian residential school survivor. The fund offers Indigenous students’ scholarships to attend a Canadian or U.S post-secondary institution in any area of study.
The fund was first launched in 2021 with $2,500 awarded to one recipient, Jodi Hancheroff.
Since receiving this award, Jodi has graduated law school and is now working at a firm in Saskatoon, SK. She is focusing on Aboriginal Law. We spoke to Jodi recently and she said, “this scholarship has helped me not only financially, but it’s empowered me to pay it forward and it made me feel as though someone believed in me and really saw my potential, especially as an Indigenous person.”
For the 2022 fund, our goal was to double our impact, so we had initially planned to offer two $2,500 scholarships. Then, UPS and KNIX donated to our fund, and along with a collaboration with INDSPIRE, we are so happy and proud to share that we will now be able to contribute FIVE $2,500 scholarships to incredible Indigenous students.
We received over 60 applications! All of the applicants were so incredibly deserving, and this was an extremely difficult decision to make.
Nevertheless, our 2022 Scholarship Fund winners were announced on Friday, February 3rd , 2023. We are so proud of our recipients – Kayla Elie, Jayelle Friesen-Enns, Shanelle St.Hilaire, Khloe Cameron, and Sequoia Yellowhair.
We are grateful to our donation partners and you, our community, for enabling us to give back to Indigenous youth. It is all thanks to you, our loyal customers, who help us achieve all our wildest dreams!
Shanelle St.Hilaire
My name is Shanelle St. Hilaire (She/They), from the Red River Métis community on Treaty One territory in Winnipeg Manitoba. I am an artist in my final year at the University of Manitoba School of Art finishing my Honours Studio BFA. As of the past few years I have been working specifically in Land Based Art, trying to give Mother Nature a voice. My practice is rooted in research and my work is focusing on using organic materials to make my own pigments, oil paints, dyes, as well as harvesting and processing my own clay. After graduation I hope to continue this path on learning more about art making in an ethical way. I hope to begin harvesting natural glazing materials in Manitoba to create glazes that are completely made with ingredients from our land. I hope to someday be a full time artist which can be a very hard dream to reach, but I know no matter what I will always be a practicing artist.
What is your favourite Cheekbone Beauty product?
My favourite Cheekbone Beauty product is the Sustain Lipgloss (my favourite colour is Sweetgrass). This lipgloss may be the best lipgloss I’ve ever had and I really hope to see more shades in the future because it’s non-sticky, so smooth, pigmented, smells DELICIOUS and always leaves my lips feeling so soft.
What are your plans after you graduate?
After graduation, I plan to attend an art residency—there are a few I’m applying for in Manitoba that are located outside of the cities—that I plan to go work with the land even more. I have multiple projects in mind that involve using plants in multiple plants that are native to Manitoba which is why these residencies in more remote locations will benefit me.
How did the Cheekbone Beauty Scholarship Fund impact you?
Other than the confidence I gained from winning The Cheekbone Beauty Scholarship Award, it will also support me in my funding towards a residency which I am so incredibly thankful for. Unfortunately, not many residencies are free and art making is an expensive and often challenging career but this has given me a boost in faith that I will be capable to make it.
Khloe Cameron
Hello! My name is Khloe Cameron and I’m 23 years old. I’m from Tootinaowaziibeeng, MB located in Treaty 4. I’m currently enrolled in the Dental Hygiene program at the Canadian National Institute of Health in Ottawa, ON. Upon completion of my studies, I plan to work within my community or with other communities in Treaty 4.
Who is your role model?
One of my role models would be my auntie! She is one of the many influential women in my life, she has shown me that you can achieve your dreams while being a mother as well. She is a dental therapist which inspired me to become a Dental Hygienist.
What is your favourite Cheekbone Beauty product?
One of my favourite products from Cheekbone Beauty would have to be the Sustain brow gel!
What is your biggest accomplishment so far?
One of my biggest accomplishments so far in my life is being a mother of 2! As well as attending school to get an education to better my life and my daughter's! I had to move away from my family in order to attend Dental Hygiene school. So, the Cheekbone Beauty scholarship fund will help me pursue my education to become a Dental Hygienist. As well as help with the financial aspect of my education.
What advice would you give to another Indigenous student who wants to go into your field of study?
The advice I’d give to other Indigenous students who are interested in Dental Hygiene is that the sky is the limit, and you are capable of reaching your goals & dreams! Dental hygiene is a very rewarding career with helping others achieve their oral health goals.
Kayla Elie
Beh-bum-whoo-neh-wausk-ko-neh Kwe Naadishnakas, Makwa Doodem, Obadjiwonung Donjiba. Hello, my name is Kayla E, I’m a 30-year-old Anishinaabe (Ojibway) Woman from Batchewana First Nation, originally located on the shoreline of Lake Superior in Northern Ontario. Algoma University was the closet place I could travel from my home, about 80kms to study so it’s where I’ve chosen to learn/experience first-hand knowledge and obtain my degree in their Bachelor of Social Work Program. My reason for choosing Algoma U’s Bachelor of Social Work is because I want to work first-hand with the children and youth of my community. They’re important to me and it’s evident they need assistance with developing Plans of Care. I’ve always been passionate about supporting the seven generations ahead. Someone that these children and youth can call upon for support when trying to break through systemic and generational trauma’s that still exist in our Indigenous rural communities today. Being a successful candidate for this scholarship and having the opportunity to be recognized by such a strong Indigenous product line is what will drive me to complete my degree and continue with the plans for my education because this organization believed in me.
What advice would you give to another Indigenous student who wants to go into your field of study?
If I could speak to children and youth presently about my experience through my educational journey right now, I would share with them this: “No matter who, when why or how someone else feels about you, what really matters, is how you feel about you. You take the necessary steps today to fulfill your own happiness because you do matter. Always believe in your spirit because as a spirit, experiencing this human journey, we will face challenges that may become hard to bear and that’s ok, it mean you’re learning through experience. If you listen to your own heart and know what it is you want, you will succeed because your spirit will always allow you to push for you. Also never forget if you need assistance along the way, don’t be afraid to ask for a little help.” - Kayla E
Miigwetch (Thank you) to all of Cheekbone Beauty for believing in me. We will see you all along the trail.
Jayelle Friesen-Enns
My name is Jayelle Friesen-Enns and I am a Cree and Métis person who was adopted and grew up in a small farming town called Rosenort in southern Manitoba. I am currently in my final year of studying at the Max Rady College of Medicine and am preparing to embark on my journey through residency. I am passionate about acute care medicine and I am looking forward to the opportunity to serve my Indigenous community through providing healthcare, advocating for my community, and by creating more space for Indigenous representation in the field of medicine.
What are your biggest accomplishments thus far?
One of my greatest accomplishments is co-founding the Indigenous Medical Students' Association of Canada.
Do you have a favourite Cheekbone Beauty product?
The sustain lipstick in the shade Aki!
What advice would you give to other Indigenous students who want to go into your field of study?
Medicine is a very challenging and rewarding field; if you are passionate about pursuing a career in medicine I would encourage you to persevere and study hard!

tânisi kahkiyaw, Sequoia Yellowhair nitisiyihkâson êkwa âhâsiw akohp iskwêw nitahcahko-wîhowin. nîsitanaw-têpakohposâp nititahtopiponân. paskwâw ohci niya, oskana kâ-asastêki mêkwâc niwîkin. Hello all, my name is Sequoia Yellowhair; I am 27 years old and I am a proud member of Treaty Four Territory where my home community of Pasqua First Nation is located. I currently reside in Regina, Saskatchewan. I am enrolled in my third year of Indigenous Social Work at the First Nations University of Canada. My biggest hope and dream for my career as a future registered Social Worker is to open my own art therapy practice with a focus on Indigenous art such as painting, beading, sewing and quilling. I owe a huge thank you to my mother Vanéa Cyr who is my role model for the type of lifestyle that she provided for us and in turn granted me the opportunity to gain knowledge of Indigenous art which gave me a positive outlet to express my interests in all forms.
What are your biggest accomplishments thus far?
Within my short 27 years of life, my biggest accomplishment is becoming a homeowner and renovating my home up to my personal standards with the help of my amazing partner.
Do you have a favourite Cheekbone Beauty product?
My favourite Cheekbone Beauty product would have to be the collaboration that was done with Métis Artist Christi Belcourt on a Limited-Edition Holiday Box as I gifted this to my mother.
How did the Cheekbone Beauty Scholarship Fund impact you?
With the help and support of the Cheekbone Beauty Scholarship, I will be able to complete my first major practicum placement without the worries of financial stressors which is a tremendous help in the life of a university student.
What advice would you give to other Indigenous students who want to go into your field of study?
Some advice that I would give to any Indigenous person who is thinking about returning to post-secondary would be to enroll in a post-secondary program that inspires you to challenge the mainstreams ways of knowing, doing and being and no matter what believe in yourself and the growth that will come from the knowledge you gain.
Wholeheartedly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Cheekbone Beauty brand and the scholarship committee once again for choosing me to be a scholarship recipient. I appreciate this financial opportunity and support to continue my focus and dedication while on my education journey.
kinanâskomitin – Thank you.
Congratulations to the 2022 Cheekbone Beauty Scholarship Fund recipients. We wish them all the best in their future endeavors.
Team Cheekbone ♡