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Quarantine Activities

Quarantine Activities

It is to no surprise that we’re living in a time of uncertainty. The world is under a complete meltdown, and for most of us, we’re stuck indoors all day. Every day, we get updates on this global pandemic that can cause stress and anxiousness. Although this is a difficult time, we have to search for the positives and understand that we’re doing this to ultimately save the lives of others. The longer we abide, the shorter we’ll have to live in these circumstances. With all these updates and the rapid spread of news due to social media, have a choice, to let this consume us or to conquer our days. This is a rare chance for us to really take this time for ourselves and enjoy the time we have to do the activities we typically put off. If you don’t really have a hobby, this is also an opportunity to try that activity you’ve always wanted to! Although the saying is “life never stops” it definitely slowed down so it is important we take advantage and keep our energies high. Remember, this is not a permanent thing, but it is important we focus on our mental health and make the most of the current situation.

Here is a list of activities you can do from your home under quarantine: 

  • Get Creative 
    • You can find a ton of DIY’s and tutorials on YouTube or Pinterest to learn new techniques or ideas to make with craft items you may have.
    • Paint or Draw a picture
    • Bead - earrings, necklaces, medallions
    • Scrapbook 
    • Collage 
    • Write in a journal 

  • Revamp Spaces in your home
    • Clean problem areas such as “junk drawers”
    • Change the layout giving a refreshed look to the area
    • Re-decorate using items you already own 
    • Paint your walls a new colour 
    • Organize closets, cupboards and drawers 
    • Have a “place” for everything – find a home for each item you have

  • Learn to cook new things
    • Staying home all day gives you the opportunity to learn new recipes and try dishes that take longer to cook.
    • Take inventory of the food you own and make recipes with different ingredient combinations.
    • Try a new cuisine style or a different way to cook an item.

  • Reach out to friends and family 
    • Fortunately, we live in a time where social media makes it easy for us to connect with our loved ones. Call or skype a relative or friend often. Check up on them to make sure you’re not in complete isolation alone and still getting some form of social interaction.

  • Have a Spa day
    • Give yourself a pedicure and manicure
    • Put on a facemask and take a hot bath. If you don’t have any facemasks, you can always look up DIY’s to make some with food items such as honey.
    • Take a hot shower or bath 
    • Do your full pamper routines

  • Exercise
    • If you don’t have space to effectively exercise, limit your time outside but take a walk around your block or to your local park.
    • Stretch in the morning and before bed 
    • Look up YouTube videos and find different classes (Zumba, yoga, ab workouts)
    • Sign up for some FREE accounts; use all the offers you can find

  • Read a book 
    • If you don’t have any books or have read your current collection, most public libraries typically offer free online books.

    By Ruby Lukach

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